Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Broken Records...

This year in Major League Baseball will see a new record. Barry Bonds is only 2 homeruns away from breaking Henry (Hank) Aaron's 755 homerun record. There's plenty of controversy about this event. Barry Bonds has been investigated for using MLB banned substances (Steroids), and has been fingered by many prominent baseball players as using steroids. The Commissioner of the MLB (Bud Selig) is trying his hardest not to acknowledge Barry Bonds, but why not just recognize it (very briefly) and move on. I'm not too happy to see Hank Aaron's record broken, but it's going to happen. Do I think Barry Bond's used 'roids? Yeah, of course. Do I think this casts a huge shadow on the record? Yes, I think that no matter what, Barry Bond's will always be haunted by the steroid scandal and his record will always be somewhat tainted. I can't blame Hank Aaron for not showing up to the record breaking game. Hank Aaron didn't use steroids to acheive his record, he just went out there and played the game. He was one of the most beloved players in MLB. Barry Bond's is probably one of the most disliked players to ever play the game. All this being said; I also know that sports are evolutionary, constantly changing. Technology gets better, the athletes get stronger, the rules get changed. In fact the only thing thats constant, is change. So while, I'm not too thrilled about this record being broken, I have to take a moment and recognize that change is inevitable and regardless about how I feel about Barry Bonds, it is a notable accomplishment to hit over 755 homeruns in your career. I'm sure someday that record will be broken as well, so until then...


Shana said...

You are so funny honey! I didn't know that you were thinking about all of this!! :) I love you

Chris said...

Personally, I think it's sad what this world has turned into. The things that people feel they need to do to be "the best". Hank did it out of pure talent. Others feel they need to enhance themselves in order to make them the #1 now. Kinda sad..thanks for the info though.